Libra is back at Harvest Music Festival! – Libra

September 15, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that Libra will be back at this year’s Harvest Music Festival in Fredericton!

Harvest Music Festival is one of Atlantic Canada’s best festival experiences and has brought in massive bands and artists from around the world. Fredericton comes alive for six days, as hundreds of performers appear on dozens of stages in the beautiful downtown.

We feel really lucky to be able to be a part of such a renowned East Coast experience and can’t wait to meet lots of new Libra fans. Find our tent on the street festival across from the Barracks Tents, where we will be giving away lots of delicious free Libras, playing tunes, and chatting all things Libra- come say hello!

Libra is also the headline sponsor for Friday nights show with Gordon Gets Lost! Can’t wait to see you there!! 

There is a storm brewing for this weekend, but all indoor events are still ready to go. Stay safe out there, enjoy some great music, and cheers to an ice cold Libra!

Happy Harvest!

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